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“Raising living standards of the people through international trade relations”


“To develop and promote Sri Lanka’s foreign trade relations at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels by the effective implementation of government trade policy, with a view to raising the standards of living and realizing a higher quality of life through the increase of total production, income and employment levels, thereby actively contributing to the overall economic growth of Sri Lanka.”

What are the member countries under GSTP?

42 GSTP members - Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, India, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, the United Republic of Tanzania, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe, and Mercosur (South American trade bloc incl. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) are the member countries of GSTP.

What are products eligible for Tariff Concessions? And to what extend?

Tariff concessions were granted only for lists of products by each Member Country. Lists of products and Margin of Preferential (MoP) offered by all member countries are given at

What document to be submitted to the Customs Authorities in the importing country to avail the tariff concessions?

A Certificate of Origin issued by the DoC should be submitted. DoC issues CoOs only for the products which meet the Rules of Origin Criteria as given at (page 20 onwards)
You may discuss the eligibility of your products for tariff concessions with the Rules of Origin Division of the DoC.